Life in Fenderland Pt. 7
Installment 7 - Fender Crunch, Jumbo Shrimp and Other Oxymorons Up to this point, the discussion has been about classic Fender clean...

Life in Fenderland Pt. 6
Installment 6 Fender by the Numbers - The '65 Twin Reverb Before we get started on the Twin Reverb, there is one additional vintage...

Life in Fenderland Pt. 5
Installment 5 Fender by the Numbers... The '65 Super Reverb Reissue The next amp in the reissue series is the '65 Super Reverb.This is...

Life in Fenderland Pt. 4
Installment 4 Fender by the Numbers - The '65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue The next amp up in the reissue series is the '65 Deluxe Reverb....

Life in Fenderland Pt. 3
Installment 3 Fender by the Numbers - The '65 Princeton Reverb Reissue We'll start this installment with more definitions (yikes!)....

Life in Fenderland Pt. 2
Installment 2 - Sometimes Old is New Again Just for a reference, I would like to start with my definition of "vintage", which is...

Life in Fenderland
The sordid story of my trials and tribulations in attempting to put together a reasonable collection of Fender tube amps.